Release Notes: 02.17.22

Emojis 🚀👷 📫 🌴 😍 🚛 💇👍 🎉


Last Update 2 năm trước

New Features/Product Updates

02.17.22 Release: Emoji functionality in RocketPost ads within template job title and template editor

If a Picture is Worth 1,000 emoji is worth 💯 times that. A well-placed emoji can convey humanity and personality in a way that words never can. RocketPost’s new emoji feature gives users the ability to add these bits of creativity and customization to their Craigslist postings in addition to all of the other features you’ve come to love. ❤

Updated Documentation

Check out this knowledge base article for information on how to utilize emojis when creating or editing your template, and what to avoid.

From Our Blog

Learn more about the impact of emojis on The Post

If you have any additional questions related to this article, feel free to contact our RocketPost Success Team via Chat or email: [email protected] 

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