Finding and Exporting a Billing Summary.

How to obtain a transactional receipt by date range


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

How to:

> Navigate to your profile icon at the top right in the header

> Once your arrow is hovering (don't click), a drop-down menu will appear

> Select 'Billing Summary'

> Once you are on the summary page, you can select the date range you would like to view. Please be sure select a start and end date.

> This will show you a list of all groups, by date, who confirmed the posts, and payment type along with the total for your selected date range. 

> If this is all you need, click the export button to the right of the date range and choose a format (PDF or .CSV)

> A PDF will create a receipt

> A .CSV will create a spreadsheet that you can review and edit for your own internal use

This page can be accessed at:

If you have account owner permissions, you will also receive emails with receipts when posts are scheduled through RocketPost.

For visual learners, here is a video showing how to do this. 

If you require more or different information, please reach out to [email protected].


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